Thursday 12 September 2013

Truth About Cellulite Review - The Basic Rules Of The Anti Cellulite Massage

The basic rules of the anti-cellulite massage - Conducting anti-cellulite massage:
1. Massage should be start only when the heated body - For example, after taking a hot bath or shower.
 2. Never you can not do massage and cold "clean" hands - Lubricate with talc or use oils or creams. You can read about anti-cellulite creams can be in the article.
 3. It is not necessary to massage the clock - Just half an hour to appear effect.
 4. Always follow your direction - massage is done from the bottom up and toward the heart.
 5. You can not make too much effort - Bruises and burst blood vessels do not will adorn the body.
 6. In a particularly delicate areas you should gently massaging with your fingertips - Abdomen, armpits, inner side of the thigh.
For more details visit: Truth About Cellulite Review by Joey Atlas.

Technique of massage - In general, there are several common and approved by many professional massage techniques for cellulite.

We start by stroking - Stroking the legs during massage using your fingertips, "circling" on the skin, though waltz - easily and effortlessly. Gradually, with the "waltzing" go to "Polonaise" - doing the same thing, but the whole hand, thus, you will have that at the end of this technique you will be stroking the body-wide palm.Further details available on Wikipedia page:

Now go to the masticating - Actually, it is also stroking, but with the application of some effort.

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